Ihuoma Okwuonu
National Root Crop Research Insitute
Ihuoma coordinates in-vitro technology research for the genetic improvement of root and tuber crops in National Root Crops Research Institute, Umudike Nigeria. Her research focuses on exploring the potentials of genetic engineering, genome editing and genomics in developing root and tuber crops with improved nutritional content and resistance to biotic and abiotic factors. Crops of interest include cassava, Sweetpotato, cocoyam, yam and ginger. Efficient transformation protocols have been established for cassava and are being developed for other root and tuber crops. Her team contributes towards the development of sustainable seed systems in Nigeria by producing and rapidly multiplying clean planting materials of elite genetic resources using tissue culture and advanced hydroponic systems. She is also involved in capacity-building geared towards training of young scientists in acquiring innovative biotechnological tools in genetic engineering, transformation, and molecular analysis.