Maryam Nasr Esfahani
Friedrich Alexander Universtiy Erlangen-Nürnberg
Maryam Nasr Esfahani is the postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Uwe Sonnewald and Dr. Zierer at at the Chair of Biochemistry at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg. Plants with lower gibberellic acid (GA) production typically exhibit shorter internodes and more compact growth. This can lead to improved allocation of photoassimilates and nutrients to sink organs. In the CASS project, she is interested in investigating whether reducing GA production in cassava plants through manipulating genes involved in GA biosynthesis can enhance photoassimilate production and increase the allocation of these photoassimilates to sink-organ biomass (tuberous roots of cassava). In addition, she is interested in exploring the responses of cassava plants to nutrient deficiency such as nitrogen and potassium.