Shu-Heng Chang
National Chung Hsing University
Shu-Heng Chang is a postdoctoral fellow in Advanced Plant Biotechnology Center at National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. During his doctoral studying in Institute of Biochemistry at NCHU, he focused on an unculturable and phloem sapping plant pathogen, phytoplasma. He found that the phytoplasma secreted protein, SAP11, is able to alter the plant architecture and phase transition. After graduation, he joined Professor Wilhelm Gruissem laboratory in Taiwan, as a laboratory manager and postdoctoral fellow. Rice and cassava, two of the most improtant major staple food crops worldwide providing carbohydrate and a wide range of nutrients. To meet future food demand of the growing world population, higher yield and nutritious crops are required. Dr. Chang conduct the field trial of iron and zinc biofortication rice and Cassava Source-Sink (CASS) project source-to-sink improvement transgenic cassava plants in NCHU Agricultural Experiment Station. Promising transgenic rice and cassava established by genetic engineering and new breeding technologies were selected to growth under field conditions.